The Worst Text Message Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

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SMS marketing is a powerful way for businesses to reach customers directly through text messages. However, given the personal nature of text messaging, it’s easy for marketers to make common mistakes if they don’t understand the proper usage of this medium. Text message marketing can be a powerful tool to reach customers, but avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls is important.

What is SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing is a powerful way for businesses to reach customers directly through text messages. By sending out promotions, reminders, announcements, or even opt-in surveys, agencies can leverage SMS marketing to raise brand awareness and convert prospects into customers. However, given the personal nature of text messaging, it’s easy for marketers to make common mistakes if they don’t understand the proper usage of this medium.

10DLC vs. Shortcodes

This can mean opting to use shortcodes rather than dedicated phone numbers (10DLC) for interactions with prospects or including links without properly disclosing their URL or domain name. While such errors may appear minor at first glance, they can have far-reaching consequences for a business’ credibility and long-term success. That’s why ensuring SMS marketing campaigns are executed with thought and precision is so important. Always consider customer preferences and best practices before sending out any messages.

Text message marketing can be a powerful tool to reach customers, but avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls is important. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Not Getting Permission

In the world of text message marketing, getting permission from recipients before sending marketing messages is crucial. Not only is it a best practice, but it is also essential for avoiding potential legal issues and preserving positive customer experiences.

Obtaining explicit consent from individuals is key to ensuring they want to receive your text marketing messages. Without permission, you risk annoying or upsetting recipients, leading to higher unsubscribe rates or even complaints. Additionally, sending text messages without permission may put your business at risk of violating regulations and facing legal consequences.

Be Transparent

To obtain permission, businesses should maintain transparent processes. Using opt-in forms effectively ensures explicit consent allowing customers to opt-in through keywords. Clearly state the purpose of the messages and what recipients can expect. Make it easy for customers to opt-out at any time, respecting their preference and reinforcing transparency.

By getting permission, you not only avoid legal troubles but also build trust and rapport with your target audience. Customers appreciate businesses that respect their boundaries and preferences. So remember, always seek permission before sending text marketing messages to ensure a positive customer experience and comply with legal regulations.

Texting Invalid Numbers

Texting invalid numbers is a common mistake in SMS marketing campaigns that can have significant consequences. Not only does it waste your valuable resources, but it can also harm the overall effectiveness of your campaign. When you text invalid numbers, you risk decreased message deliverability, as these messages may never reach your intended audience.

Maintain a Clean List

To avoid this mistake, it is crucial to ensure the validity of phone numbers on your texting list. Regularly clean and update your list to remove any invalid or inactive numbers. Implementing a double opt-in process can also help ensure the accuracy of the phone numbers you gather. This involves sending a confirmation message to new subscribers, prompting them to verify their phone number before being added to your list.

Validate Before Sending

Another important practice is to validate phone numbers before sending out messages. Implement tools or software that can verify the authenticity and validity of each phone number on your list. This step can minimize the chances of texting invalid numbers and optimize your SMS delivery rates.

By taking these proactive measures, you can maximize the effectiveness of your SMS marketing campaigns and prevent the negative consequences of texting invalid numbers. Effective list management and phone number validation will help increase message deliverability and ensure that your messages reach the targeted audience, leading to better engagement and conversion rates.

Not Segmenting Your List

Not segmenting your SMS marketing list can be a costly mistake. Without proper segmentation, you risk sending irrelevant messages to your subscribers, leading to low engagement and response rates.

Segmenting your audience allows you to target specific groups of subscribers based on their interests, purchase history, pain points, or where they are in the buyer journey. By understanding your customers’ unique needs and preferences, you can tailor your messages to resonate with them on a personal level.

For example, if you have an e-commerce store, you can segment your list based on previous purchases. This way, you can send personalized recommendations or exclusive offers to customers who have shown an interest in specific products or product categories. By delivering targeted content, you can increase engagement rates and drive higher conversions.

Segmentation also allows you to send timely and relevant messages. For instance, if you have a restaurant, you can segment your list based on location or dining preferences. This way, you can send localized promotions or menu updates to subscribers in specific areas, enhancing the customer experience and increasing the likelihood of them visiting your establishment.

Not Adding Value: A Text Message Marketing Mistake to Avoid

In the world of text message marketing, one common mistake that businesses make is not adding value to their campaigns. Simply bombarding subscribers with promotional messages or generic content can quickly lead to disengagement and a high unsubscribe rate.

Stay Relevant

To ensure the success of your text message marketing efforts, it’s crucial to focus on providing relevant and valuable content to your subscribers. Adding value means going beyond sales pitches and truly understanding the needs and interests of your target audience.

Exclusive Offers

One effective way to add value is by offering personalized offers and exclusive promotions. Tailoring discounts or special deals to individual subscribers based on their past purchases or preferences shows that you value their loyalty and are willing to reward them for it. This creates a sense of exclusivity and encourages repeat business.

Relevence is Important

Another valuable approach is to provide educational information or helpful tips. Sharing industry insights, how-to guides, or expert advice demonstrates your expertise and positions your business as a trusted resource. This not only keeps subscribers engaged but also helps build credibility and trust.

In conclusion, not adding value to your text message marketing campaigns is a grave mistake that can hinder your success. By incorporating relevant content, personalized offers, exclusive promotions, and educational information, you can enhance the customer experience, increase engagement rates, and drive higher conversions.

Not Testing Your Messages

One crucial aspect of text message marketing that businesses often overlook is testing their messages before sending them out. Neglecting this step can have detrimental consequences for your brand image and subscriber engagement.

Spelling Counts

Spelling and grammar mistakes in your text messages can tarnish your brand’s reputation and make your business appear unprofessional. Such errors can undermine the trust and credibility you’ve built with your subscribers, leading to opt-outs and decreased engagement. It only takes one poorly crafted message to drive away potential customers.

Always Proofread

To avoid these pitfalls, testing your messages is essential. Take the time to proofread and ensure that your content is error-free. Reviewing your messages also allows you to check for any formatting issues or broken links that could hinder your communication.

Add a Personal Touch

Furthermore, personalizing your messages based on customer data can significantly boost engagement and sales. By utilizing information such as purchase history or preferences, you can tailor your messages to each subscriber’s specific interests and needs. This level of personalization shows that you value your customers and understand their individual preferences, enhancing their connection with your brand and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Welcome Newbies

Lastly, don’t forget to send a welcome text to new subscribers. This initial message serves as a reminder of why they signed up in the first place and reaffirms their decision to engage with your business. A warm and engaging welcome message sets the tone for future interactions and encourages continued engagement with your brand.

To ensure the success of your text message marketing campaigns, remember the importance of testing your messages, personalizing your content, and sending a thoughtful welcome message to new subscribers. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can maximize engagement, sales, and overall customer satisfaction.

Bad Timing

When it comes to text message marketing campaigns, timing can make all the difference in engaging your audience and driving conversions. Sending messages at inconvenient times not only annoys customers but can also lead to a high unsubscribe rate. To avoid these pitfalls, it’s crucial to keep timing in mind and follow a few best practices.

First and foremost, avoid sending messages too early in the morning or too late at night. Waking your subscribers up with a promotional text or interrupting their sleep will likely result in annoyance and prompt them to opt-out. Instead, focus on sending messages during daytime hours when people are more likely to be available and receptive to your content.

Research indicates that the best times of day for SMS marketing messages are typically between 10 am and 8 pm. This timeframe coincides with individuals’ active hours, ensuring that your messages are seen and attended to. However, it’s important to note that the optimal time may vary depending on your target audience. Experiment with different times and analyze engagement rates to determine the sweet spot for your specific customer base.

By respecting your customers’ time and preferences, you can avoid bad timing and keep your audience engaged. Remember, timing is a crucial component of successful text message marketing, so take the time to plan and strategize your campaigns accordingly.

Complying with the law is not only important ethically but also crucial for avoiding legal liability and significant damages in text message marketing campaigns. Failure to follow the regulations can result in costly consequences that could cripple your business. To ensure your SMS campaigns stay on the right side of the law, there are key points to consider.

Firstly, it is essential to obtain written consent from your subscribers before sending them automated SMS messages. This is per the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) regulations. By obtaining explicit consent, you have proof that subscribers have willingly opted in to receive your messages, protecting you from potential litigation. It’s important to maintain a record of these consents, as proof may be required in the event of a legal dispute.

Additionally, implementing appropriate safeguards is important, especially when marketing to a younger audience. Federal laws, such as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the Student Privacy Pledge, have specific provisions for protecting minors’ personal information. Ensuring that you have measures in place to verify the age of your subscribers and obtain parental consent when necessary is crucial to avoiding legal complications.

By taking these precautions, such as obtaining written consent and implementing safeguards, you can protect your business from legal liability. Remember, compliance with the law is not only a legal obligation but also a way to build trust and maintain a positive reputation with your target audience.

Not integrating with Other Channels

Not integrating SMS with other marketing channels is a common mistake in text message marketing campaigns. By solely relying on SMS as a standalone communication tool, businesses miss out on valuable opportunities to reach a wider audience and create a more cohesive customer experience.

Integrating SMS with other channels, such as email marketing and social media platforms, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. With email marketing, for example, you can sync your SMS and email subscriber lists, ensuring that your messages are reaching a larger pool of potential customers. This integration also allows for a more personalized and consistent customer experience across multiple communication channels.

Integrating SMS with social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter further expands your reach and engagement rates. By leveraging the power of social media, you can promote your SMS campaigns, attract new subscribers, and keep your existing ones informed and engaged. This integration can help increase the effectiveness of your overall marketing efforts and drive higher conversion rates.

To integrate SMS with other channels, start by syncing subscriber lists from different platforms. This ensures that you are targeting the same audience across multiple channels. Additionally, create cross-channel messaging strategies to deliver consistent and coherent messages to your subscribers. By aligning your SMS campaigns with your email marketing and social media efforts, you can maximize the impact of your marketing campaigns and provide a seamless experience for your customers.

In conclusion, not integrating SMS with other marketing channels is a missed opportunity. By integrating SMS with email marketing and social media, businesses can reach a wider audience, increase engagement rates, and create a more cohesive customer experience. Take the necessary steps to integrate SMS with other channels and unlock the full potential of your text message marketing campaigns.


In conclusion, avoiding common SMS marketing mistakes is crucial for improving the effectiveness of your SMS marketing campaigns and maximizing customer satisfaction. By following these recommendations, you can ensure that your SMS messages deliver value to your target audience and drive better results.

Firstly, remember to always provide an opt-out option and honor unsubscribes promptly. This not only keeps you compliant with regulations but also shows respect for your subscribers’ preferences.

Secondly, segment your SMS marketing list based on individual preferences and behavior. This allows you to send targeted messages that resonate with your audience and increase engagement rates.

Thirdly, optimize your SMS messages for mobile devices. Ensure that your messages are concise, clear, and easy to read on a mobile phone screen. Avoid using special characters or lengthy subject lines that may lead to slow loading time.

Lastly, pay attention to the timing of your messages. Sending SMS messages at the wrong time can be intrusive and result in a negative customer experience. Take into consideration your subscribers’ time zones and their daily routines to choose the most appropriate timing for your messages.

By incorporating these recommendations into your SMS marketing strategy, you can avoid common mistakes, improve customer satisfaction, and enhance your overall marketing efforts. To learn more and get started today, contact TextNow.Cloud, the leading SMS marketing tool provider. Call us at (888) 600-5411 or text (336) 490-4900 today for a demo!

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Business Messaging,communications,texting
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